How to do sftp filezilla
How to do sftp filezilla

Setting up a new SFTP connection in FileZilla Site Manager The Password is the same as your control panel password. Note: The main domain, username, and IP address can be found in the General Information section on the right-hand side of your control panel by opening the Advanced tab from the left menu.

how to do sftp filezilla

User: Your cPanel username (or 'root' on a VPS/Dedicated server).Protocol: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol.Port: 22 (For VPS/Dedicated only: or provide your custom SSH port).Host: Your domain name or server IP address.The ones below are intended for use with Filezilla, but most FTP clients will have similar options. If you are setting up a new connection, enter the following settings. (For VPS/Dedicated: if the ssh port has been changed from the default of 22, the SFTP port also changes inline.) Configure your FTP program to use SFTP on port 22.If you do not already have SSH/Shell access, click here for further information. (For Shared only) You will need to enable SSH/Shell access to your account.Download an FTP program that supports Secure FTP.

how to do sftp filezilla

There are a couple of things that you will need to do to use this option on our servers. Our servers do support Secure FTP or SFTP.

  • Changing an existing connection in FileZilla.
  • Setting up a new SFTP connection in FileZilla Site Manager.
  • how to do sftp filezilla

    On VPS and Dedicated servers, any cPanel account username or the root user can connect through SFTP. On shared, SFTP is available for use only by the account username. Note: Additional FTP users created through the control panel cannot connect using SFTP.

    How to do sftp filezilla